DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science
International Relations
Curriculum Vitae
373 Hamilton Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays, 2-3pm (373)
Jakob Wiedekind joined the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as DAAD visiting assistant professor of political science in summer 2024. He has received his PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany in June 2023. Before taking up the position at UNC, Jakob Wiedekind was a postdoctoral researcher and teaching fellow at the Department of Political Science at Leibniz Universität Hannover. In 2021, he conducted parts of his doctoral research project at Chapel Hill as a visiting scholar. Recently, he was awarded the John-F.-Kennedy memorial fellowship at Harvard University and a Feodor-Lynen postdoctoral fellowship of the German Humboldt Foundation before accepting the position at UNC. Jakob Wiedekind’s academic areas of expertise include: American and European politics, foreign policy analysis, transatlantic relations and climate change policy. He is the author/editor of numerous books and articles including: Polarization (forthcoming 2025 in the Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, co-authored with Julia Simon); Finding Common Ground in Uncertain Times Assessing the Prospect of Multilateralism in Transatlantic Climate Change Policy (2023, co-authored with Christiane Lemke, Journal of Transatlantic Studies 21: 73-99), Preemptive Action: Measuring Presidential Assertiveness in US Foreign Policy Lawmaking (2023, American Politics Research 51 [6]: 763-780), and The Battle for the White House The US Presidential Election 2020 under the impression of Polarization, the Coronavirus Pandemic and Social Tensions (2022, co-authored with Christiane Lemke, Springer VS). He currently works on a project on transatlantic climate change policy, while also continuing his research on American politics.