Study Abroad
Why Study Abroad?
What Programs Are Available?
What About Academics?
How Much Does It Cost?
When Should I Apply?
How Should I Get Started?
How Do Study Abroad Credits Transfer?
How Many Credits Can Be Applied To The Political Science Major?
To Apply For Credit In The Poli Major
Why Study Abroad?
Study abroad provides the learning experience of a lifetime! The Study Abroad Office offers programs that allow you to take courses abroad and transfer credit for your Carolina degree. Students who study abroad say learning to negotiate cultural boundaries and living as a foreigner in a country that has a different history, culture, and language from that of the United States is one of the most valuable learning experiences of their lives. A study abroad experience also sets you apart from the crowd. In addition to expansive opportunities for intellectual and personal growth, an academic program abroad provides new intellectual perspectives, international experience, and language skills, all of which are increasingly valuable in today’s job and career paths.
What Programs Are Available?
The Study Abroad Office offers over 300 programs in 70 countries to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Sophomores, juniors, seniors, and even graduates may participate in most programs. Undergraduate students receive academic credit for study abroad programs formally approved and administered by the Study Abroad Office and the Summer School. Explore the Study Abroad Office website at to search for programs by city, country, region, term, field of study, or internship options.
What About Academics?
While abroad, you will earn 12-18 credits per semester. These credits can fulfill elective, general college, foreign language or major/minor requirements. You will remain enrolled at UNC-CH while on a study abroad program, which means that you can apply UNC-CH financial aid toward your Study Abroad program and pre-register for the semester you return.
How Much Does It Cost?
Program expenses vary depending on your destination and the length of your program. Financial aid travels with you, and additional financing may be available to help cover your costs. The Study Abroad Office website offers a budget sheet for every program available, so there are no surprises when you arrive at your program location. For many programs, costs are only slightly higher than UNC-CH tuition and fees. Students should contact the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid for more information about need-based aid available for study abroad.
When Should I Apply?
The timing for study abroad is flexible. Students usually find it easiest to fit a study abroad experience into their academic career by planning a few semesters in advance. Programs vary in length from semester, summer, and year-long programs, some as short as four weeks and others as long as eleven months. If you are considering study abroad, begin discussing it in your annual academic advising appointments so that you can plan appropriately!
How Should I Get Started?
Start by reviewing the list of featured programs highlighted for Political Science students. While you are not limited to these options, these represent some of the strongest and most academically focused study abroad programs for Political Science students. This program list was developed through partnership between your academic department and the Study Abroad Office.
- You can also visit and search by “Political Science” to see all of the programs that offer courses in your field.
- Once you have a good idea of the options available, attend a Study Abroad 101 session to get an overview of the application process and program considerations. Click on “calendar” from to see when sessions are offered.
- When you’ve identified a program of interest, schedule an appointment with the appropriate Study Abroad Advisor to begin the application process!
How Do Study Abroad Credits Transfer?
There are different types of study abroad programs. Many semester and exchange programs offer transfer credits, which allow you to fulfill your degree requirements but do not impact your GPA. Many UNC faculty-led programs offer UNC graded credit courses.
How Many Credits Can Be Applied To The Political Science Major?
All of the advisors in the Study Abroad Office are fully trained as academic advisors at Carolina, so they can assist you with course selection, approval, and transfer of credits from your study abroad program. All General Education and elective credits taken abroad will be reviewed and approved by the Study Abroad Office. All study abroad credits granted towards the Political Science major are in the full discretion of the Political Science Department.
To Apply For Credit In The Poli Major
If you do decide to study abroad, you may wish to contact Dr. Matt Weidenfeld prior to departure to discuss your program and academic interests. However, Dr. Weidenfeld will not evaluate a course for credit until it has been completed. He will give some feedback about which classes might be more likely to receive credit, so feel free to ask him to review materials for programs before choosing one. Upon your return, Dr. Weidenfeld will evaluate your coursework and award major credits at his discretion. In order for a study abroad course to be evaluated for major credit, you will need to review the Study Abroad’s credit approval process and submit a form via their office. That form is sent to Dr. Weidenfeld via the SA Office, he will evaluate it, and the SA Office will notify you of our decision.
Please note: The department does not award credit for 400-level and higher courses.