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macdonald Curriculum Vitae

Stuart Elaine Macdonald, Professor of Political Science, received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1987. Her principal areas of interest are political behavior, American politics, and research methods. She teaches courses in the graduate sequence in methodology and the Political Science Honors Program. She has also taught in the Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of the Inter-University Consortium in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Professor Macdonald has contributed articles to the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, and the British Journal of Political Science, among others. Her work with George Rabinowitz and Ola Listhaug has received two national awards from the American Political Science Association: the 1989 Pi Sigma Alpha Award for the best paper presented at the Annual Meetings and the 1992 Heinz Eulau Prize for the best article in the American Political Science Review. Her current research explores theories of issue voting and party success in the United States and Europe.