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Carolina’s political science department has a strong record of getting good jobs for our graduate students. We believe that every student we admit has the capacity to achieve a record that will make them attractive as a faculty member at top universities in the US and overseas. Our alums have an impressive record of distinguished research and publications, teaching positions, and professional experience. 

Contact information is provided for our current job seekers, as well as a brief summary of their interests, dissertations, and publications. For more information about any of our students, please see their individual web sites as listed below or contact Professor Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Placement Director.

Placement Director

Cameron Ballard-Rosa

Associate Professor of Political Science

Director of Graduate Studies

Evelyne Huber

Distinguished Professor of Political Science

Job Candidates

Eric Parajon

Eric Parajon

American Politics, International Relations
Research Interests

International Relations/American Politics

Sam Schmitt

Sam Schmitt

American Politics, Political Theory
Research Interests

Political Theory/American Politics

Brian Brew

Brian Brew

American Politics
Research Interests

American Politics

Itay Machtei

Itay Machtei

Comparative Politics, Political Methodology
Research Interests

Comparative Political Economy, Methodology

Alexander Love

Alexander Love

American Politics
Research Interests

American Politics/Methodology